Whether it’s going into the new year or a special event, I always want my smile to be as white and bright as possible. After all, what would Smiles and Pearls be without a great smile? So, I reached out to Smile Brilliant to see what their easy at-home whitening system was all about.
I am always on the go, so it was very important to me to be able to use a product that fit within my busy schedule. On any given day, I am up to begin my day by 530 am. I am at work by 7 am, then immediately after I head to either the gym or to school. Afterwards, I am home to make dinner, then prepping for the next day. Whether its cleaning up the kitchen, Sunday planning for the week ahead, or folding clothes, I can whiten my teeth with a few easy steps with Smile Brilliant. Also, can you believe that for under $200, you can have a complete whitening system to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home?

And don’t worry, Smile Brilliant sends very clear instructions and they make it super easy to follow. After making molds of my teeth from mixing two mediums together, I sent my molds in the mail. Once my molds were approved, my whitening trays were sent quickly by mail in a cute travel case. I cannot tell you how easy whitening has been with this system! I have packed the whitening gel and trays in my travel case, into my purse, and whitened after lunch at work! I have even whitened during pure barre class!
Since Smile Brilliant made it so easy to whiten, I was able to whiten my teeth 2 hours each time. Just look at the results from my whitening! I can say that my teeth are whiter than they have ever been! I am so happy with the results that I have received from Smile Brilliant! Not only is it very easy and convenient, but it looks like I had them whitened at the dentist!

What’s even better, is that Smile Brilliant has been gracious enough to giveaway one full whitening kit to one of you! You can enter here. Can’t wait for the giveaway? I have a 15% off coupon code that you can use: smilesandpearls15

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