- Relationships- So what are 5 ways to be more positive? Editing your relationships is the first way. This is probably the hardest to follow, so I am going to put this one first. It is so important to remove toxic relationships from your life to ensure happiness. My parents always used to say “you are the company that you keep.” If you hang around people who talk negatively about life, about their job, about themselves and other people, and that’s all you allow yourself to be around, you will start feeling the same way. You will feel drained, uninspired, undervalued, and you will begin to doubt your potential and greatness. Also, news flash, if those people are talking negatively around you about others, chances are, they are talking poorly about you when you aren’t around as well! I have cut out so many relationships and faux friendships I have had with others because all they do is want to talk poorly about others. That’s just not my jam.
However, in that same respect, if you are around people that are uplifting, that inspire and ignite a fire in you, who believe in you, then you are more likely to be a happier person and model their same behavior. I say this one can be very hard to do because sometimes these negative influences are your family, close friends you’ve had a relationship with for many years, or possibly a significant other whom you have developed a life with. The main thing to remember though, is that if someone isn’t you building you up, they are ultimately bringing you positive vibe down.
- Social Media- This concept tends to be true about social media as well. Whether its scrolling through images or watching Instagram stories, to the new IGTV, you want to follow people that bring joy and a positive outlook to your life. Truthfully, I don’t hang out on Twitter much because of Twitter wars. How did that even become a thing? On Instagram, I will follow colorful feeds, inspirational quotes pages, and people that are from all different walks of life, and I find them uplifting even though I may not have much in common with them because they are kind-hearted and genuine people. From entrepreneurs, to mothers, to travelers, to body positive and fitness experts, I try to learn from the experiences of others.
I can tell you first hand from experience, that I dance and sing ALL THE TIME! I do it everywhere! In the shower, in the kitchen, in our office, and especially in the car! If you have followed my Instagram stories, you will have seen this. When I was younger I would sing at my house to my parents all the time. My mom even got me a karaoke microphone with a disco ball on the end she knows how much I love to sing. I just pop it right in my bath robe or apron when I’m around the house.
It doesn’t have to be a particular song, I don’t even have to know the words (and I usually don’t), I just let the feelin’ take over me. I promise you can turn any frown upside down by just putting on a jam, and having a good ol’ jam sesh.
I think everyone, including myself, is guilty of looking at someone or scrolling through our various social media feeds thinking, “ugh, I wish I was on vacation like them” or “I wish I had that new handbag” or the biggest one of “I wish I had his/her life.” So many times we forget to count our own blessings. We forget about our healthy bodies, our jobs that put a roof over our head and food in our mouth, and our support system around us that are there day in and day out, even on our worst days. We forget that what we see on social media, is a brief moment in time. It’s less than 5% of someone’s day, maybe closer to 1-3%. So, keep appreciating those things in your life, because your life is awesome!
Don’t you love that these ideas build on one another? I don’t know about you, but nothing makes my heart happier than helping others. It’s such a great feeling being able to share my sunshine and sprinkle joy where ever I can! Some of the ways you can do the same are:
- Volunteering with an organization that interests you
- Becoming a professional mentor
- Share a skill you have (i.e. crocheting, resume building, or your WordPress expertise)
- Buying the person’s coffee behind you in line
These are all great examples of how you can give back and create a positive impact within your community. One suggestion in particular I want to stress, is sharing your skills you possess. For example, my husband is great in Excel. So great, that Mr. Spreadsheet should be his nickname instead of Mr. Sweet Face because he is that awesome in Excel. You should see our monthly budget, there are so many worksheets, so many colors, charts, it is organized to the max! I am not as fluent in Excel, but with his support and continued practice, I’m a very solid intermediate Excel user. Professional development classes can be expensive, and creating a quarterly class at a community center or becoming a mentor is a great way to help someone professionally develop themselves.
There is a direct relationship with how happy you are and the amount of physical activity you do. I know I am completely guilty of not moving my body as much as I probably should. Try doing some sort of physical activity for just 30 minutes a day. Committing to 30 minutes a day of physical activity is an amazing start! We can do it together!
So there you have it y’all! I hope these 5 tips help you to become a more positive person. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and visit me on Instagram for more daily content.

Friend I love this… I’m going through some things now but this is exactly what I needed to see at this time.
Congrats on the new blog!
I found You through Instagram, where you most definitely let your happiness and joy SHINE!
I love what you shared about protecting your space and keeping company that is positive & uplifting! This is so very true!
Wishing you continued success! XO
I’m loving everything about this and I’m so happy you took the leap and started your blog! You are going to do a great job!!! What a perfect first post! Congrats Friend
Congrats, Candice! This is the perfect post to start your blog with because it totally encompasses who you are as a person. You are so genuine and I love your positive and optimistic outlook on life. Can’t wait for more posts! I will definitely be signing up for email notification. Love you girl! ????